The art of healing touch. With over 30 years of experience, Martha Read is an expert massage therapist... More Info
Total relaxation is yours! Watsu is a form of aquatic bodywork used for deep relaxation, pain relief, and increasing joint range of motion... More Info
Manual Lymph Drainage
A gentle, powerful bodywork technique used to treat many conditions... More Info

"Martha has delivered consistent professional quality service for every appointment I have booked. I always feel amazing after every treatment. I typically crawl in with back pain and run out pain free because of her skill and the method of treatment."
Jennifer F.
"Martha's bodywork is beyond explanation. Her work is done with love and compassion. I leave feeling nourished, both physically and spiritually. I would highly recommend a trip to her Watsu tub!"
Collette Collins
"Watsu is AWESOME! Nothing like it.... I feel as if I've "gone home" whenever I'm in the pool for a treatment. The weightlessness one experiences in the water lends itself perfectly to "suspended massage". It's one of the safest environments I know. This is in large part due to Martha's natural healing presence. She is kind, gentle, intuitive and nurturing, tailoring every treatment to her client's needs and desires. I strongly recommend that you contact her and schedule a treatment ASAP!"